OCS-NG Inventory Agent Install on Dapper Server

By crmanski

These are the steps I took to install the agent software from http://ocsinventory.sourceforge.net/

All of this is done from a terminal via SSH.

Ubutu Linux – OCSNG_LINUX_AGENT_1.0RC3 Install Notes

Change to root…

sudo su

Switch to /opt…

cd /opt

Download the agent…(I put this on one of my webservers for convenience)

wget http://path-to-agent.gz

Extract Agent…

gzip -cd OCSNG_LINUX_AGENT_1.0RC3.tar.gz | tar xvf –

Install essential compiling tools…

apt-get install build-essential

Install required support software…

apt-get install libcompress-zlib-perl libxml-simple-perl libnet-ip-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libwww-perl -y

All set.

Now run the setup

cd OCS*

